

E. Karangelos, A. Papavasiliou, Grid-aware flexibility aggregation for zonal balancing markets, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 234, pp. 110715, September 2024

N. Stevens, A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, On some advantages of convex hull pricing for the European electricity auction, forthcoming in Energy Economics

N. Stevens, Y. Smeers, A. Papavasiliou, Indivisibilities in Investment and the Role of a Capacity Market, forthcoming in the Journal of Regulatory Economics

J. Cartuyvels, G. Bertrand, A. Papavasiliou, Market Equilibria in Cross-Border Balancing Platforms, IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy, and Regulation, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 162-174, June 2024

Y. Mou, A. Papavasiliou, K. Hartz, A. Dusolt, C. Redl, An analysis of shortage pricing and capacity remuneration mechanisms on the pan-European common energy market, Energy Policy, vol. 183, pp. 113843, December 2023

D. Avila, A. Papavasiliou, M. Junca, E. Exizidis, Applying High-Performance Computing to the European Resource Adequacy Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 3785-3797, March 2024

J. Cho, A. Papavasiliou, Exact Mixed-Integer Programming Approach for Chance-Constrained Multi-Area Reserve Sizing, forthcoming in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

D. Avila, A. Papavasiliou, N. Löhndorf, Batch Learning SDDP for Long-Term Hydrothermal Planning, forthcoming in the IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

A. Papavasiliou, J. Cartuyvels, G. Bertrand, A. Marien, Implementation of scarcity pricing without co-optimization in European energy-only balancing markets, Utilities Policy, vol. 81, 101488, April 2023

I. Mezghani, N. Stevens, A. Papavasiliou, D. Chatzigiannis, Hierarchical Coordination of Transmission and Distribution System Operations in European Balancing Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 3990-4002, September 2023

J. Cartuyvels, A. Papavasiliou, Calibration of Operating Reserve Demand Curves Using a System Operation Simulator, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 3043 - 3055, July 2023

L. A. Roald, D. Pozo, A. Papavasiliou, D. K. Molzahn, J. Kazempour, A. Conejo, Power Systems Optimization under Uncertainty: A Review of Methods and Applications, Electric Power Systems Research, vol. 214, part A, January 2023

J. Cho, A. Papavasiliou, Pricing Under Uncertainty in Multi-Interval Real-Time Markets, forthcoming in Operations Research

C. Gérard, D. Avila, Y. Mou, A. Papavasiliou, P. Chevalier, Comparison of Priority Service with Multilevel Demand Subscription, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 2026-2037, May 2022

Q. Lété, Y. Smeers, A. Papavasiliou, An Analysis of Zonal Electricity Pricing from a Long-Term Perspective, Energy Economics, vol. 107, 105853, 2022

N. Stevens, A. Papavasiliou, Application of the Level Method for Computing Locational Convex Hull Prices, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 3958-3968, September 2022

A. Papavasiliou, A. Bouso, S. Apelfröd, E. Wik, T. Gueuning, Y. Langer, Multi-Area Reserve Dimensioning using Chance-Constrained Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 37, no. 5, pp. 3982-3994, September 2022

P. Pediaditis, D. Papadaskalopoulos, A. Papavasiliou, N. Hatziargyriou, Bilevel Optimization Model for the Design of Distribution Use-of-System Tariffs, IEEE Access, vol. 9, 132928-132939, 2021

C. Gérard, A. Papavasiliou, The Role of Service Charges in the Application of Priority Service Pricing, Energy Systems, vol. 13, no. 4, 1099-1128, 2022

D. Avila, A. Papavasiliou, N. Löhndorf, Parallel and Distributed Computing for Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming, forthcoming in Computational Management Science

A. Papavasiliou, G. Bertrand, Market Design Options for Scarcity Pricing in European Balancing Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 4410-4419, September 2021

A. Papavasiliou, Scarcity Pricing and the Missing European Market for Real-Time Reserve Capacity, The Electricity Journal, vol. 33, no. 10, September 2020

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, G. de Maere d’Aertrycke, Market Design Considerations for Scarcity Pricing: A Stochastic Equilibrium Framework, The Energy Journal, vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 195-220, 2021

I. Aravena, Q. Lete, A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, Transmission Capacity Allocation in Zonal Electricity Markets, Operations Research, vol. 69, no. 4, July-August 2021. Runner-up ENRE 2021 Best Publication Award in Energy

Q. Lété, A. Papavasiliou, Impacts of Transmission Switching in Zonal Electricity Markets - Part I, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 902-913, March 2021

Q. Lété, A. Papavasiliou, Impacts of Transmission Switching in Zonal Electricity Markets - Part II, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 914-922, March 2021

I. Aravena, A. Papavasiliou, Asynchronous Lagrange Scenario Decomposition, Mathematical Programming Computation, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 1-50, March 2021

Y. Mou, A. Papavasiliou, P. Chevalier, A Bi-Level Optimization Formulation of Priority Service Pricing, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 4, pp. 2493-2505, July 2020

G. Bertrand, A. Papavasiliou, Adaptive Trading in Continuous Intraday Electricity Markets for a Storage Unit, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 2339 - 2350, May 2020

H. Le Cadre, I. Mezghani, A. Papavasiliou, A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Transmission-Distribution System Operator Coordination, European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 274, no. 1, pp. 317 - 339, 2019

K. De Vos, N. Stevens, O. Devolder, A. Papavasiliou, B. Hebb, J. Matthys-Donnadieu, Dynamic Dimensioning Approach for Operating Reserves: Proof of Concept in Belgium, Energy Policy, vol. 124, pp. 272-285, January 2019

S. Camelo, A. Papavasiliou, L. de Castro, A. Riascos, S. Oren, A Structural Model to Evaluate the Transition from Self-Commitment to Centralized Unit Commitment, Energy Economics, vol. 75, pp. 560-572, 2018

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, G. Bertrand, An Extended Analysis on the Remuneration of Capacity under Scarcity Conditions, Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, vol. 7, no. 2, 2018

H. Hoeschle, H. Le Cadre, Y. Smeers, A. Papavasiliou, R. Belmans, An ADMM-based Method for Computing Risk-Averse Equilibrium in Capacity Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 4819-4830, September 2018

A. Papavasiliou, Analysis of Distribution Locational Marginal Prices, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 4872-4882, September 2018

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Mou, L. Cambier, D. Scieur, Application of Stochastic Dual Dynamic Programming to the Real-Time Dispatch of Storage under Renewable Supply Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 547-558, 2017

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, Remuneration of Flexibility under Conditions of Scarcity: A Case Study of Belgium, The Energy Journal, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 105-135, 2017

I. Aravena, A. Papavasiliou, Renewable Energy Integration in Zonal Markets, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1334-1349, March 2017

J. Han, A. Papavasiliou, The Impacts of Transmission Topology Control on the European Electricity Network, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31, no. 1, pp. 496-907, January 2016

H. Le Cadre, A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, Wind Farm Portfolio Optimization under Network Capacity Constraints, European Journal of Operations Research, vol. 247, no. 2, pp. 560-574, December 2015

J. Han, A. Papavasiliou, Congestion Management through Topological Corrections: A Case Study of Central Western Europe, Energy Policy, vol. 86, pp. 470-482, November 2015

A. Papavasiliou, Y. He, A. Svoboda, Self-Commitment of Combined Cycle Units under Electricity Price Uncertainty, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 4, July 2015

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, B. Rountree, Applying High Performance Computing to Transmission-Constrained Stochastic Unit Commitment for Renewable Penetration, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 1690-1701, May 2015

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Large-Scale Integration of Deferrable Demand and Renewable Energy Sources, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 489-499, January 2014

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Multi-Area Stochastic Unit Commitment for High Wind Penetration in a Transmission Constrained Network, Operations Research, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 578-592, May/June 2013, INFORMS 2015, Best Paper in Energy Award

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, R. P. O'Neill, Reserve Requirements for Wind Power Integration: A Scenario-Based Stochastic Programming Framework, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 2197-2206, November 2011

R. P. O'Neill, K. Hedman, E. Krall, A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Economic Analysis of the N-1 Reliable Unit Commitment and Transmission Switching Problem Using Duality Concepts, Energy Systems, vol. 1, no. 2, May 2010


J. Cartuyvels, A. Papavasiliou, G. Bertrand, Efficient Dispatch in Cross-Border Balancing Platforms: Elastic Demand through Parametric Cost Function Approximation, 20th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 2024

A. Papavasiliou, G. Doorman, Mette Bjorndal, Y. Langer, Guillaume Leclercq, Pierre Crucifix, Interconnection of Norway to European Balancing Platforms Using Hierarchical Balancing, 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 2022

M. Madani, A. Papavasiliou, A Note on a Revenue Adequate Pricing Scheme that Minimizes Make-Whole Payments, 18th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 2022

J. Cartuyvels, A. Papavasiliou, Calibration of Operating Reserve Demand Curves using Monte Carlo Simulations, IEEE PES General Meeting 2022

I. Mezghani, Q. Tran-Dinh, I. Necoara, A. Papavasiliou, A Penalty Method Based on a Gauss-Newton Scheme for AC-OPF, PowerTech 2021

Y. Mou, C. Gérard, Anthony Papavasiliou, Philippe Chevalier, Designing Menus for Multilevel Demand Subscription, 54th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 5 - 8, 2021

L. Van Hoorebeeck, P.-A. Absil, A. Papavasiliou, Global Solution of Economic Dispatch with Valve Point Effects and Transmission Constraints, PSCC 2020 special issue of Electric Power Systems Research

A. Papavasiliou, M. Bjorndal, G. Doorman, N. Stevens, Hierarchical Balancing in Zonal Markets, 17th International Conference on the European Energy Market, 2020

L. Van Hoorebeeck, P.-A. Absil, A. Papavasiliou, MILP-Based Algorithm for the Global Solution of Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problems with Valve Point Effects, IEEE PES General Meeting, 2019

G. Bertrand, A. Papavasiliou, An Analysis of Threshold Policies for Trading in Continuous Intraday Electricity Markets, 15th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), Lodz, Poland, June 27-29, 2018

I. Mezghani, A. Papavasiliou, H. Le Cadre, A Generalized Nash Equilibrium Analysis of Electric Power Transmission-Distribution Coordination, ACM e-Energy 2018: The Ninth International Conference on Future Energy Systems, Karlsruhe, Germany, June 12-15, 2018

Y. Mou, A. Papavasiliou, Long-Run Cost-Benefit Analysis of Demand Response for the European System, IEEE PES General Meeting, 2018

T. Kaneda, B. Losseau, A. Papavasiliou, L. Cambier, D. Scieur, P. Henneaux, N. Leemput, Optimal Management of Storage for Offsetting Solar Power Uncertainty using Multistage Stochastic Programming, 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 11-15, 2018

A. Papavasiliou, I. Mezghani, Coordination Schemes for the Integration of Transmission and Distribution System Operations, 20th Power Systems Computation Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 11-15, 2018

G. Bertrand, A. Papavasiliou, Optimal Dispatch of Wind Farms Facing Market Prices, 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Dresden, Germany, June 6-9, 2017

Y. Mou, A. Papavasiliou, P. Chevalier, Application of Priority Service Pricing for Mobilizing Residential Demand Response in Belgium, 14th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Dresden, Germany, June 6-9, 2017

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, Energy-Only Markets with Deferrable Demand, 12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Lisbon, Portugal, May 19-22, 2015

I. Aravena, A. Papavasiliou, A distributed asynchronous algorithm for the two stage stochastic unit commitment problem, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, July 26-30, 2015

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, I. Aravena, Stochastic Modeling of Multi-Area Wind Production, 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5 - 8, 2015

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Z. Yang, P. Balasubramanian, K. Hedman, An Application of High Performance Computing to Transmission Switching, IREP Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control Symposium, Rethymnon, Greece, August 25 - 30, 2013

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, A Comparative Study of Stochastic Unit Commitment and Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Using High Performance Computing, European Control Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, July 17 - 19, 2013

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, A Stochastic Unit Commitment Model for Integrating Renewable Supply and Demand Response, IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, San Diego, CA, July 2012

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Integration of Contracted Renewable Energy and Spot Market Supply to Serve Flexible Loads, 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, August 28 - September 2, 2011, Milano, Italy

A. Papavasiliou, H. Hindi, D. Greene, Market-Based Control Mechanisms for Electric Power Demand Response, Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 15-17 December 2010

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Supplying Renewable Energy to Deferrable Loads: Algorithms and Economic Analysis, Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 25-29 July 2010

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Chen, S. S. Oren, Environmental Regulation in Transmission Constrained Electricity Markets, IEEE Power and Energy Society 2009 General Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 26-30 July 2009

A. Papavasiliou, P. Kaminsky, I. Sidhu, S. S. Oren, Renewable Energy Supply for Electric Vehicle Operations in California, 32nd IAEE International Conference, San Francisco, CA, 21-24 June 2009

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, Coupling Wind Generators with Deferrable Loads, IEEE Energy 2030, Atlanta, Georgia, 17-18 November 2008

A. Papavasiliou, S. Papathanassiou, S. Manias, G. Demetriadis, Current Control of a Voltage Source Inverter Connected to the Grid via an LCL Filter, Power Electronics Specialists Conference, Orlando, Florida, 17-21 June 2007

Book Chapters

A. Papavasiliou, Modeling Cross-Border Interactions of EU Balancing Markets: a Focus on Scarcity Pricing, chapter in Mathematical Modelling of Contemporary Electricity Markets, Elsevier, edited by Athanasios Dagoumas, ISBN: 9780128218389

A. Papavasiliou, A. Papalexopoulos, S. Oren, Market Design for a Decarbonized European Electricity Market, chapter in Design of the Electricity Market(s) of the Future, European University Institute, edited by Nicolo Rosetto, ISBN: 978-92-9084-577-5

I. Aravena, A. Papavasiliou, A. Papalexopoulos, A Distributed Computing Architecture for Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy and Distributed Resources in Smart Grids, Chapter in Recent Progress in Parallel and Distributed Computing, ISBN 978-953-51-3316-2, July 2017

Technical Reports

A. Papavasiliou, Natural Gas Crisis and Countermeasures, Appendix to Nea Article "Alternative Interventions to the European Electricity Market"

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, G. de Maere, Electronic Supplement, Appendix to "Market Design Considerations for Scarcity Pricing: A Stochastic Equilibrium Framework"

L. Van Hoorebeeck, P.-A. Absil, A. Papavasiliou, Projection onto quadratic hypersurfaces, availble on arxiv,

A. Papavasiliou, Analytical Derivation of Optimal BSP / BRP Balancing Market Strategies, Appendix to "Market Design Options for Scarcity Pricing in European Balancing Markets", 2021

A. Papavasiliou, Y. Smeers, G. de Maere d'Aertrycke, Study on the general design of a mechanism for the remuneration of reserves in scarcity situations, June 6, 2019

A. Papavasiliou, S. S. Oren, M. Junca, A. Dimakis, T. Dickhoff, Coupling Wind Generators with Deferrable Loads, 2008 CITRIS IT for Society 3rd place prize, 2008 Big Ideas Energy and Environmental Innovation competition 2nd place prize


A. Papavasiliou, Coupling Renewable Energy Supply with Deferrable Demand, PhD thesis, University of California at Berkeley, October 2011

A. Papavasiliou, Control of a Voltage Source Inverter Connected to the Grid via an LCL Filter, Undergraduate thesis (in Greek), National Technical University of Athens, Greece, July 2006