CREG Scarcity Pricing Workshop, Principles of Scarcity Pricing, Brussels, Belgium, April 29, 2022
Council of European Energy Regulators, Major Issues on Scarcity Pricing According to the Clean Energy Package and a Case Study on Implementing a Scarcity Pricing Mechanism, Online Specialised Training on Electricity Market Design and Implementation of the Clean Energy Package, September 23, 2020
17th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Hierarchical Balancing in Zonal Markets, September 18, 2020
EPRI ISO/RTO Market Design Tech Webcast Series, European Markets 101 and Comparison with US Market Structure, Online webcast, February 28, 2020
INFORMS 2019, Dynamic Dimensioning of Balancing Reserves with Machine Learning Algorithms, Seattle, USA, October 21, 2019
95th Session of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Market Reforms for Stressed Conditions: the Case of Europe, Harvard University, Boston, MA, June 14, 2019
Impacts of Transmission Switching on Zonal Markets, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark
Workshop on Electricity Systems of the Future: Incentives, Regulation and Analysis for Efficient Investment, Market Design Considerations for Scarcity Pricing:A Stochastic Equilibrium Framework, Cambridge University, England, March 19, 2019
14th EU-US regulators’ round table, Nodal and Zonal Market Clearing, Council of European Energy Regulators, Brussels, Belgium, March 18, 2019
Energy and Market Engineering Symposium in Honor of Shmuel Oren, A Random Walk Down Hearst Avenue, University of California, Berkeley, CA, February 16, 2019
Workshop on bidding and scheduling flexible power resources in short term markets, Optimization of Trading Strategies in Continuous Intraday Markets, SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway, January 31, 2019
Workshop on Flexible Operation and Advanced Control for Energy Systems, Transmission Capacity Allocation in Zonal Electricity Markets, Cambridge University, England, January 9, 2019
INFORMS Annual Meeting, A Bilevel Optimization Formulation of Priority Service Pricing, Phoenix, AZ, USA, November 5, 2018
20th Power System Computation Conference, Optimal Management of Storage for Offsetting Solar Power Uncertainty using Multistage Stochastic Programming, Dublin, Ireland, June 15, 2018
20th Power System Computation Conference, Hierarchical TSO-DSO Coordination, Dublin, Ireland, June 12, 2018
Plenary presentation at Workshop on Intelligence and Flexibility in Future Electricity Markets, Remuneration of Flexibility through Scarcity Pricing, Santiago, Chile, November 20, 2017
INFORMS 2017, Coordination Schemes for the Integration of Transmission and Distribution System Operations, Houston, TX, USA, October 23, 2017
Massachusetts Institute of Technology LIDS talk, Distributed Optimization of Power System Operations, Boston, MA, September 20, 2017
National Technical University of Athens, Multi-Stage Stochastic Economic Dispatch under Renewable Energy Supply Uncertainty, Athens, Greece, December 23, 2016
Workshop in 19th Power Systems Computation Conference, Solving Stochastic Unit Commitment at Industrial Scale Using Parallel Computing: A Case Study of Central Western Europe, Genova, Italy, June 20, 2016
Workshop on Scarcity Pricing, Remuneration of Capacity in Conditions of Scarcity in Belgium, Council of European Energy Regulators, Brussels, Belgium, June 17, 2016
Stanford Precourt Energy Institute and Management Science & Engineering seminar, Managing the Uncertainty of Renewable Resources in Power System Operations, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA, February 22, 2016
Innovation in Energy Management conference, Integrating Deferrable Demand in Electricity Markets, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium, November 19, 2015
INFORMS 2015 ENRE award ceremony, Multi-Area Stochastic Unit Commitment for High Wind Penetration in a Transmission Constrained Network, Philadelphia, PA, November 1, 2015
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Self-Commitment of Combined Cycle Units, Denver, CO, July 28, 2015
12th International Conference on the European Energy Market, Energy-Only Markets with Deferrable Demand, Lisbon, Portugal, May 21, 2015
INFORMS, Efficiency Losses of Zonal Network Management under Large-Scale Renewable Energy Integration, San Francisco, CA, November 9, 2014
LBL-UCB DR/R/ISO Discussion Group, Congestion Management through Topological Corrections: A Case Study of Europe, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, November 4, 2014
Lectures in Power Systems, A Stochastic Programming Framework for the Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy in Power Systems, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, December 11, 2013
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Applying High Performance Computing to Multi-Area Stochastic Unit Commitment, Yorktown Heights, NY, USA, October 10, 2013
IREP Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control Symposium, An Application of High Performance Computing to Transmission Switching, Rethymnon, Greece, August 28, 2013
European Control Conference, A Comparative Study of Stochastic and Security Constrained Unit Commitment Using High Performance Computing, Zurich, Switzerland, July 18, 2013
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, A Stochastic Unit Commitment Model for Integrating Renewable Supply and Demand Response, San Diego, CA, July 25, 2012
12th Conference of Probabilistic Methods Applied to Power Systems, Stochastic Modeling of Multi-Area Wind Production, Constantinople, Turkey, June 9 - 14, 2012 (special paper section)
Operations Research and Information Engineering Colloquium, Large-Scale Integration of Deferrable Demand and Renewable Energy Sources in Power Systems, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, February 16, 2012
INFORMS, Integration of Contracted Renewable Energy and Spot Market Supply to Serve Flexible Loads, Charlotte, NC, November 13, 2011