
Ongoing Research

Our team is conducting research on the application of operations research to electricity markets and power systems operations.

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Group Overview

The following presentation provides a brief overview of the research activities of our team.

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Open Positions

We are recruiting PhD and post-doctoral researchers. Applications are received on a continuous basis.

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Research Topics


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95th Session of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group, Market Reforms for Stressed Conditions: the Case of Europe, Harvard University, Boston, MA, June 14, 2019

14th EU-US regulators’ round table, Nodal and Zonal Market Clearing, Council of European Energy Regulators, Brussels, Belgium, March 18, 2019

Workshop on Flexible Operation and Advanced Control for Energy Systems, Transmission Capacity Allocation in Zonal Electricity Markets, Cambridge University, England, January 9, 2019


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Welfare benefits of co-optimizing energy and re...

Our team is very proud to present our study on the co-optimization of energy and reserves, which ...

Svk publishes scarcity pricing report

The Swedish TSO Svenska kraftnät recently published our report about the implementation of scarci...

Bodossaki award ceremony

On June 17th, 2022, I had the great honor of attending the scientific awards ceremony of the Bodo...


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ICEBERG interim workshop, Presentation of the ICEBERG project, June 13, 2024

Interregional Transmission Operational Coordination Workshop (Day 1), Effectiveness and Technical Challenges of Zonal Market Clearing for Congestion Management, June 11, 2024

ACER webinar, Expected benefits of co-optimisation in day-ahead electricity market, June 10, 2024

Upcoming events